The Black Palace

Also known as the Palace of Lecumberri, which today houses the General Archive of the Nation, was a few years ago a prison where murders, torture and atrocities worthy of the same hell were committed.

Even human remains have been found all over the place. The inmates suffered in this prison, punishments such as sleeping standing or tied to the walls, absolute closure without light, water and ventilation and endless hours of torture.

After the prison closed, unexplained events, noises, moans and apparitions began to occur, such as the so-called “Black Charro” inside the Palacio auditorium

Another story told by a person who worked there for more than 20 years, who says that on one occasion a man approached him saying – Again my Amelia did not come – disappearing before the employee could respond. Investigating the fact, it is said that among the archives of the place they found Don Jacinto, a man who died imprisoned in Lecumberri in the 40’s and who still wanders around.

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